Land plot, 10 ares
Novopokrovka v.
$ 105 000
9 194 850 som
$ 10 500/are
919 485 som/are
Added 28 days ago
Moved up 4 days ago
Type of offer
from owner
Land plot area
10 ares
temporary hut
Title documents
purchase and sale agreement, technical passport, red book
Possibility of payment by instalments
Possibility of getting a mortgage
Average price
To compare real estate, uses such parameters as room number, series, location. These numbers may not match the market price, which is influenced by many factors. For more accurate data, use a professional real estate appraisal.
Sale, land plot, Novopokrovka v.
$ 140 000 $ 10 500/are 12 259 800 som 919 485 som/are
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