Land plot, 10 ares

Bishkek, Maevka v.
$ 75 000
6 567 750 som
$ 7 500/are
656 775 som/are
Added 1 day ago Moved up 11 hours ago  69  1
Type of offer
from agent
Land plot area
10 ares
Possibility of exchange
do not offer exchange

Average price

To compare real estate, uses such parameters as room number, series, location. These numbers may not match the market price, which is influenced by many factors. For more accurate data, use a professional real estate appraisal.

Sale, land plot, Bishkek, Maevka v.

$ 227 000 $ 7 500/are 19 878 390 som 656 775 som/are

Description from the seller

🔰Срочно продается участок 🔥🔥 ♻️Район: Маевка ❇️ Участок 10 сот 🏠Дом под снос 📄Документы на руках Тех Паспорт, Красная Книга ❇️Коммуникации Электричество, газ, водопровод. 📎Доп.Инф: Забор, огорожен. Цена💵 75000 срочная цена 📳 0//505//888//221 0//505//888//011 id 4400 💙 KURUT NED 💙


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